Full Bands 16 Antennas Wireless Signal Jammer With Infrared Remote Control Turn ON /OFF Power
Full Bands 16 Antennas Wireless Signal Jammer With Infrared Remote Control Turn ON /OFF Power
Basic SpecificationsJam Signal Type:1:WH-101A-16R-B:Full Bands Mobile Phone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G5.8G+ GPSL1L2 +Walkie-Talkie UHF/VHF+ Wireless Camera 1.2GHz2:WH-101A-16R-A: Full Bands Cellphone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G5.8G+ GPSL1L2 + Full Bands Walkie-Talkie & Wireless Headset/MicrophoneOutput Power:Total 40W,1-3W each bandJam Radius:2-40metersPower Supply:AC110-240V to DC12VCooling System:High efficiency aluminum alloy radiator, Build-in 4 cooling fanWorking Time:Not-stop WorkingProduct Size:410x 238x 60 mm(not Include Antenna)Product Weight: appr.6.5kgPackage Contents:Jammer Host x 1, AC adapter x 1,antenna x16,Car storage battery cable x1, Infrared Remote Control x1 Product Description This is designed with 16 Antennas Full Bands 130Mhz-6GHz for mobile phone GSM 3G 4GLTE signal which bring us a strong jamming ability. And it can not only cut off all 3G 4G mobile phone signals, but also jam Wi-Fi GPS LOJACK, RF 315 MHz 433MHz , VHF UHF Walkie-Talkie & Wireless Headset/Microphone signals.  all-in-one jammer is power full to blocks all the signals, Jamming frequencies the jamming radius up to 40meters   AdvantagesFull bands 16 chancel design, Customized for special frequency bandWith Infrared Remote Control Turn ON /OFF Power High output power, Total up to: 40W , jamming up to 40m (Still depends on the strength signal in given area)External Omni-directional antennas all the TX frequency covered down link only With Car storage battery Charger DC12V can be used in car Built-in good cooling system inside, Working non-stopped Can adjust or turn off any single band without influencing the other bands operation    OEM Customized Service Customized for special frequency band , Wi-Fi5.8G 3.6GHz, etc Silkscreen OEM service can be offered Application It can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more Places that require silence, confidentiality and information security For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument  Key technical specifications: WH-101A-16R-A Channel Output port Frequency range Average out-putting power 1 VHF 130-190MHz 35dbm / 3W 2 UHF or CDMA450 400-470 or 450-470MHz 35dbm / 3W 3 RC315 315MHz 35dbm / 3W 4 RC433 433MHz 35dbm / 3W 5 4G1 LTE 700 700-803 or 790-826MHz 35dbm / 3W 6 4G2 LTE 1700 1710-1780MHz 33dbm / 2W 7 GSM or CDMA 925-960 or 850-894MHz 35dbm / 3W 8 DCS or PCS 1805-1880-1920-1990MHz 33dbm / 2W 9 3G 2110-2170MHz 33dbm / 2W 10 4G LTE 2600 2500-2690 MHz 30dbm / 1W 11 Wi-Fi 2.4G+4G2300 2300-2500MHz 30dbm / 1W 12 GPSL1 1570-1580MHz 33dbm / 2W 13 GPSL2+L5 or Wireless Camera 1 1170-1280MHz 33dbm / 2W 14 GPSL3+L4 or Wireless Camera 2 1280-1390MHz 33dbm / 2W 15 Wireless Camera 3 1000-1170MHz 33dbm / 2W 16 LOJACK& XM radio 167-175MHz 35dbm / 3W The below frequencies you can instead of above one to combined 16 bands Option WIFI5.2G 5100-5500MHz 30dbm / 1W WIFI5.8G 5500-5900MHz 30dbm / 1W WiFi3.6G 3500-3600MHz 30dbm / 1W Power supply: AC adapter 50 to 60Hz, (110-240V AC-12V DC)     Car storage battery Charger DC12V Dimensions: (length ,width, height) 410x 238x 60mm(not Include Antenna) Packing size: 49*44*15cm            Net weight: 6kg          Gross weight: 7.0kg Total power:40W      Shielding radius: (2-40) meters At -75dBm Still depends on the strength signal in given area, Shielding radius of VHF/UHF signal about 10meters Warranty: one year from delivery date   
Key technical specifications: WH-101A-16R-B Channel Output port Frequency range Average out-putting power 1 VHF1 130-190MHz 35dbm / 3W 2 UHF2 190-300MHz 35dbm / 3W 3 UHF3 300-400MHz 35dbm / 3W 4 UHF4 400-500MHz 35dbm / 3W 5 4G1 LTE 700 700-803 or 790-826MHz 35dbm / 3W 6 4G2 LTE 1700 1710-1780MHz 33dbm / 2W 7 CDMA 851-894MHz 35dbm / 3W 8 GSM 925-960MHz 35dbm / 3W 9 DCS&PCS 1805-1990MHz 33dbm / 2W 10 3G 2110-2170MHz 33dbm / 2W 11 4G LTE 2600 2500-2690 MHz 30dbm / 1W 12 Wi-Fi 2.4G+4G2300 2300-2500MHz 30dbm / 1W 13 Wi-Fi 5.8G 5725-5850MHz 30dbm / 1W 14 GPSL1 1570-1580MHz 33dbm / 2W 15 GPSL2+L5 1170-1280MHz 33dbm / 2W 16 LOJACK& XM radio 167-175MHz 35dbm / 3W The below frequencies you can instead of above one to combined 16 bands Option WIFI5.2G 5100-5500MHz 30dbm / 1W WIFI5.8G 5500-5900MHz 30dbm / 1W WiFi3.6G

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