315433mhz car remote control jammer , remote jamming device for car
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Hot sale jammer slot for pocket – EMP generator for: single slot machine, line slot machines, roulette slot machine coin type, paper type, type of lottery, the electronic currency read card reader.EMP JammerWorking voltage: 36VWorking mode: straight frequencyAntenna mode: built-in + strengthen external (removable)Instrument color: BlackEmitter size: 70X40X20MMInstrument power: 30WPower switch: doubleHeat radiation mode: internal heat sink + temperature protectionEMP Jammer FeaturesThe latest debug ultra-high frequency, more suitable machine, flash alarm prevention ability is stronger. Adopt imported transistor has a strong compression capacity. Transmitter using electronic temperature control technology, the instrument according to casually will not burn. Exclusive design 36v puckering direct charging, charging stability, take longer to apply (the first battery must be sufficient enough for 12 hours in a row, so battery life is longer). Applicable to single pokies, attachment slot machines, roulette machine, COINS, paper money, lottery, Europe and the machine from the mainland.
315433mhz car remote control jammer
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item: 315433mhz car remote control jammer , remote jamming device for car
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