3 Antennas Portable Cell Phone Jammer 2G 3G Signal Blocker
3 Antennas Portable Cell Phone Jammer 2G 3G Signal Blocker
Super-high frequency, high efficiency and mini-power interference technologyEffectively make subsections and just interfere with downlink without intercepting the base stationRobust, fan-cooled and battery-powered jammer with low-power consumption and about 2 hours of continuous useSlow startup design of circuitEasy-to-operate ON/ OFF buttonSpecificationsCDMA: 850 - 894 MHzDCS: 1805 - 1990 MHzGSM: 925 - 960 MHz3G: 2110 - 2170 MHzPHS: 1805 - 1990 MHzOutput Power0.5 WPower Supply:AC adapter (AC 110 - 240 V DC 12 V)Charger Including car charger and AC chargerWorking Time:About 120 minutesJamming Radius:Up to 5 - 10 meters (The jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area)Dimension99 x 46 x 18 mm / 3.90" x 1.81" x 0.71" (L x W x H)ColorBlackPackage Includes1 x 110A Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer (CDMA / GSM / DCS / PHS / 3G)1 x Car adapter1 x Charger3 x Antenna

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