Adjustable Cell phone GPS WiFi jammer -US
Adjustable Cell phone GPS WiFi jammer -US
Product Details Product Description Nowadays more and more people are living in the kingdom of mobile phones. They study with one, work with one, etc. Almost everywhere you can go, you can find them there. It really benefit us a lot, communicating, listening to music, watching download movies, surfing the internet and so much more fun you can enjoy. But bearing with its continuous noises in an inappropriate situation is really boring. So the following gadget will help you to solve the problem once for all. Just as other cell phone jammers, this kind of Adjustable Cell phone GPS WiFijammer can effectively block the signals between cell phone jammer and its nearby base station. With adjustable output power, each band can be controlled in separately way. It can be used in many places, such as Meeting Room, Oil and Gas Storage Facilities and fields, Hospitals, Theatres, Recording Studios,Banks, Contract Tendering Rooms, Churches, Conference Rooms, Classrooms, Testing Facilities, etc. What are you thinking about? Go directly and order one today, we will offer you best service and fast shipping right now. Notes: The frequency of this device is compatible for American frequency(800/1900MHz), if you need European frequency(900/1800MHz), you can pay attention to JM110849 Specification RF Frequency CDMA (850-894MHz) DCS&PHS (1930-1990MHz) 3G (2100-2170MHz) GPS(1500-1600MHz) WiFi(2400-2500MHz ) Total Power: 12watt Power Supply: AC 110-240V / DC 5V Shielding Radius: Up to 40 meters (signal strength Weight: 3 KG Size: 263L*140W*50Hmm Accessories: 1x Jammer 5 x Antennas 1 x AD/DC Adaptor Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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