Cell phone and wifi jammer - cell phone wifi jammer amazon
LCD Display USB GPS Jammer Blocks GPS L1 & L2 Coverage up to 10 meters
Notice: because it is dual band ,so when it work,will be a little hot ..it is normal state ..if it is very hot ,then pls take out it form power !Features:Personal security expects,privacy denfender.USB hidden type appearanceAs long as it is USB 3.7-6v power supply interface all can be use.Support Mobile power port supply workingTo protect your privacy whereabouts and information confidentialTo blocker GPS satellite positioning trackingNot affect mobile phones and other electronic equipment’s workingSmall size, light weight, easy to carryApplications:Anti GPS tracking, Private whereabouts protectorTechnical Specifications:Working Frequency Range: GPS 1570-1580MHz,1220-1230MHzThe device can as GPS navigation and positioning trackingEffective range of 5-10m(Block radius)Operating temperature: -30~60ºCRelative humidity:5~95%Storage temperature:-50~+60ºCWeight: 50GDimension: 68X20X10MMPower: DC 3.7-6VPower port support: Mobile charge, Mobile power bank, Android Mobile, PC, USB port and so on.
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