Adjustable Remote Controlled 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Remote Controller
Adjustable Remote Controlled 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Remote Controller
Product Description Will you feel that it is really not convenient when the remote controller of your TV is broken and you have to come near to it to turn off the TV? The answer is of course yes for most people, and the best method is to gain a new remote control for the TV. This is also the same when the remote controller or a mobile phone jammer is broken and that is why this Adjustable Remote Controlled 3G Mobile Phone Jammer Remote Controller here is being introduced. But pay attention this mobile phone jammer remote controller is only suitable for the Power Adjustable Remote Control Mobile Phone Jammer + 60 Meters(JM135003), so before buying make sure that you have chosen the right type mobile phone jammer remote control. Specifications Remote Control for Power Adjustable Remote Control Mobile Phone Jammer + 60 Meters(JM135003) Accessories Cell Phone Jammer Remote Control

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