Wifi blocker northern territory - 10 Antennas WIFI Blocker
Portable Wireless Block - Wifi,Bluetooth,Wireless Video Audio Jammer
Product Description
Portable Wireless Block - Wifi, Bluetooth, Wireless Video Camera Jammer is a portable Wifi, Bluetooth, wireless video signal jammer, conduct meetings, legal proceedings, or other important activities with peace of mind.
The wireless blocker transmits on three primary frequencies, block all nearby wifi network activity, Bluetooth devices and wireless video camera signals. Turned on signal blocker, security for 15 meters radius, and turn off, re-established all the wireless network activity automatically. Best quite simply one on the market today.
Spy camera and audio bug blocker with isolating Signal Bandwidth: - 1.0G: 895-1000MHz, - 1.2G: 1195-1300MHz and - 2.4G: 2395-2500MHz, and the Power Source are Wall plug, car adapter, or built-in battery.
Internal Battery is 2000mAh rechargeable Li-ion, the life is 90 minutes. The dimensions are Antennas off (L*W*H): 112*60*30mm and Antennas on (L*W*H): 195*60*30mm.
Compact size is only slightly bigger than a standard IPOD (antennas off), run on AC power or battery power. Electrical power and recharging from AC charger (110/220V) certified by the Security Ministry of China, so you know it works well!
Technical Specifications
Main Functions: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, wireless video signal jammer
Additional Functions: Spy camera and audio bug blocker
Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
1.0G: 895-1000mhz
1.2G: 1195-1300mhz
2.4G: 2395-2500mhz
Coverage Area: up to 15 meters
Power Source: Wall plug, car adapter, or built-in battery
Internal Battery: 2000mAh rechargeable li-ion
Working Time : 90minuters
Antennas off (L*W*H): 112*60*30mm
Antennas on (L*W*H): 195*60*30mm
Compact size - only slightly bigger than a standard IPOD (antennas off)
Can be run on AC power or battery power
Power supply: AC adapter (AC100-240V DC12V)
Output Power: 2.7W
Color: Black
Certified by the Security Ministry of China, so you know it works well!
Note: Wireless signal jammers may not be permissible to import into certain countries due to licensing of broadcast signals or other restrictions. Please check your country’s telecommunications regulations before placing your order.
User manual
3* Antenna
AC power charger
Car power charger
Carry Case
Buy More Portable Carry Case Here
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
wifi blocker northern territory
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item: Wifi blocker northern territory - 10 Antennas WIFI Blocker
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